I like to put down my thoughts on the FT i do . so on here you will read of my results and testing .
OK today at the club was good but difficult . a very light wind , kept switching back and forth across the lanes . in the end i decided to up the power slightly to try to make the shots more predictable . next sunday is north oxon . a ground where a good score can be had . we will see ??? HOLLY
Funny old day today , rain , no rain and so on . new fella turned up . spring gun man . shot around with Melv on the course . he was trying a new thigh rest . seemed better he said . tried without the jacket . very windy and decided to put my gimp coat on . that was quite a lot better . cleared to top half of the course . the lower position i have been using does not seem to be working properly for me . as it is taking to long to get the two shots off on the lanes . will try a higher hold wednesday . also put my march scope back on as it seems better for standers . a matter of balance i think .??? HOLLY